Untangling Our Relationships Seminars

God can help you bring healing and restoration to your family, so that the next generation (and their kids) can have a different future. In this Untangling Our Relationships seminar, we examine repeated behaviors in Abraham’s family (if you don’t know already, those apples don’t fall far from the tree!) which usually create the trouble in the Genesis story; while linking their 4,000-year-old patterns to our present-day family predicaments.

"I definitely walked away with a new perspective and strategies I could apply immediately to my professional and personal relationships."

"It was such a blessing to me and my family. It seems that the timing of your presentation was a God thing as we have recently experienced some relationship crisis. Your message was a springboard for further healing.”

 Bryan Cafferky → Untangling Family Dynamics Since 2010

“Family dysfunction rolls down from generation to generation, like a fire in the woods, taking down everything in its path until one person in one generation has the courage to turn and face the flames. That person brings peace to their ancestors and spares the children that follow.”

—Terry Real

What can I expect to learn at the Untangling Our Relationships Seminar?

  • Dissect the troublesome relational dynamics that hurt Abraham’s family. Identifying these “old” family patterns helps unlock refreshing possibilities for our current relationships. We’ll ask questions like:

    • What are some of Abraham’s “Family Rules”?

    • What are the intergenerational patterns of behaviors?

    • How to people handle anxiety and tension?

    • Who are the villains? Who are the heroes?

    We’ll also touch on the two big, overarching challenges God said that that families would face after humanity ate of the forbidden fruit. Spoiler alert: each of the four generations in Abraham’s family experience both of these big challenges—and drastically shape the unfolding of the family narrative.

    We know the Abrahamic narrative in Genesis was not primarily written to answer family system questions, rather it was written to answer questions about the character of God in relationship (or in contrast!) to His creation. Yet, as we encounter the text through the smudgy one-way mirror of time, the narrator thought it was important for us to stumble upon a shocking amount of indelicate family drama. The narrator purposefully weaves these repetitious (and often unflattering) dynamics into the fabric of Abraham’s family tree—and perhaps witnessing this unguarded story offers us permission to explore ways to identify and untangle some of the patterned dynamics in our own family. Because the closer we read Genesis, the more we find rhythms of our own story in Abraham’s family.

  • You will learn the same concepts I teach couples in my therapy room (and graduate students in my classroom). This seminar offers a compelling new paradigm to explain why families act the way they do.

    You will also explore how unresolved “generational” anxiety pursues us, eventually becoming trapped as part of the family system, which ultimately erodes our family’s emotional and relational future.

    You will recognize how relational triangles and emotional cutoffs are common ways that families use to avoid facing hard truths—with destructive consequences rippling down to the next generations.

    You will learn how shifting your mindset and behaviors can free family members from the baggage of generational millstones. It only takes one person to change a pattern. You have an opportunity to transform the present and future fabric of your family tree.

  • You will walk away with practical tools to untangle those tricky relationships and avoid common relational pitfalls, which then allows you to begin reweaving the fabric of your family. Redeeming the part you play in your family patterns can create powerful change that ripples down your family tree.

    You will learn about the formation, attributes, and dynamics of relational triangles in order to help you more adaptively navigate your own triangles (and not inadvertently take on the distress of other people’s unresolved conflict).

  • The Untangling Our Relationships seminar has been well received at family weekends and couples retreats—yet being in a romantic relationship is not a prerequisite for benefiting from this seminar. In fact, I would not characterize this UOR seminar as a “couples seminar”…

    Rather, this UOR seminar is crafted for anyone who struggles with the stuckness and stickiness of relationships—any relationship. We talk about rules learned in a family of origin, we talk about dynamics between romantic partners, we talk about navigating parent-child relationships, we talk about navigating relational triangles with friends and roommates—because it’s all connected, and it’s all relationship dynamics—and because all this unpolished family drama is uncomfortably front-and-center in Abraham’s story.

    Because whatever we refuse to acknowledge…we will undoubtedly and unconsciously pass on to others.

    Thus the UOR seminar content and activities can easily be tailored for single adults, couples, pre-marital couples, or adult families interested in learning about why families act the way they do. Audiences will also learn practical tools to untangle tricky relationships and can begin reweaving the fabric of their family.

    Anxiety—along with the family dynamics that keep it stuck there—is passed down from generation to generation like a precious family heirloom. You have the power to decide whether to preserve this pattern.

    This UOR seminar was specifically created for a Christian audience (who I'm assuming has some baseline familiarity with the Abraham story), and I lean heavily into the Abrahamic narrative for most of my examples showcasing various principles of family dynamics. This UOR seminar helps Christians better understand family dynamics in the revered biblical text (because even families of great faith have maladaptive family dynamics!) which helps give the audience permission to notice the patterns in their own families.

  • I’ve been on an exegetical journey since 2010, diving into the Abrahamic narrative (Genesis 11-50) which provides an unflatteringly rich case study of patterned family dynamics. I employ an interdisciplinary approach (Biblical Exegesis, Family Studies, and Marriage and Family Therapy) to better understand their (and our) family dynamics.

    I believe this reinterpretation of Abraham’s story offers fresh insights into the family behaviors, family rules, and how this family managed anxiety/distress/conflict. This new perspective also gives us “permission” to examine our own family dynamics as we explore more adaptive ways to navigate our family systems.

    This last piece is important, because some Christians are a bit hesitant to acknowledge the intergenerational transmission of dysfunctional patterns in their own family—but if we can clearly see these patterns woven within the great patriarch’s family…then maybe it is okay to become more aware of what might be happening in our own family (instead of continuing the same ol’ patterned behaviors)?! Because whatever you refuse to acknowledge, you’ll unconsciously repeat and teach to others.

    I’m ultimately interested in increasing insight about our own behavior patterns and replacing outdated paradigms (of family behavior and functioning) in order to see ourselves, our families, and future possibilities in a new light—and then offering you practical tools to immediately start untangling those challenging relationships.

    So, if you are wanting a seminar highlighting the “Top 10 ways to infuse love back into your romantic relationships,” then this UOR seminar may not be what you’re looking for. However, if you are interested in a seminar that (a) bridges the gap between 4,000 year-old biblically-spicy family drama and our current family predicaments, and (b) teaches your church family a refreshing and practical way to relate to themselves and to others, then Untangling Our Relationships Seminar is right up your ally!

    Contact me at untanglingourrelationships@gmail.com and let’s find a way to make this happen!

What are audiences saying about the Untangling Our Relationships Seminar?

“Learning about relationship triangles really helped me understand the context for many conversations with my spouse."

“This was a great seminar that taught me a lot I wasn’t aware of within our relationships.”

"...he cares about people making connections about their own families and changing their futures for the better.”

This UOR seminar has been well received at churches and weekend retreats.

At the end of each Untangling Our Relationship (UOR) Seminar, I invite the attendees to complete a voluntary and anonymous online survey regarding their experience. As shown in the tables below, the audience members who elected to fill out the UOR survey reported:

1) a wide range of previous knowledge about family patterns and navigating relationship triangles

2) a wide range of excitement about learning more about these same topics

Before attending this UOR seminar, I had a good understanding of how family patterns are passed down from generation to generation.

Before the UOR seminar started,
I was excited to learn more about how family patterns are passed down from generation to generation.

Before attending this UOR seminar, I had a good understanding of relational triangles.

Before the UOR seminar started,
I was excited to learn more about relational triangles.

However, their answers regarding the applicability of the UOR seminar to various areas of their lives was remarkably uniform:

Because of this seminar, I gained
a new perspective of the dynamics in Abraham's family

This seminar was applicable to my spiritual life.

This seminar was applicable to my professional life.

This seminar was applicable to my personal life.


of surveyed respondents would recommend this UOR seminar to others

  • Regardless of the degree to which this audience arrived at the UOR seminar with prior knowledge or excitement to learn about these topics, the vast majority of these people strongly agreed that the UOR seminar was applicable to their spiritual, professional, and personal lives—and 95% said they would recommend this seminar to others!

  • I’m positioned at an interesting interdisciplinary crossroads—because I have the educational training, the research background, and professional experience in the worlds of biblical studies, family therapy, family studies, and pastoral ministry. I repeatedly draw on this multi-disciplinary perspective when crafting and presenting this Untangling Our Relationships Seminar.

    2015–current: Associate Professor in the Counseling and Family Sciences Department in the School of Behavioral Health at Loma Linda University. Main research area of interest: How at-risk families respond to crisis and trauma. Published 20+ peer-reviewed papers (which have been cited 1000+ times) and 50+ presentations at local and national conferences.

    2015 Ph.D. Marriage and Family Therapy, Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS)

    2012 M.S. Applied Child and Family Studies, Specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy, Northern Illinois University (DeKalb, IL)

    2009 M.Div. Emphasis in Family Ministry, Andrews University (Berrien Springs, MI)

    2004-2007 Family Life & Improv Pastor at the Green Lake Church of SDA (Seattle, WA)

    2004 B.A. Biblical Languages & B.A Theology, Walla Walla University (College Place, WA)

    Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) Credential (2013-current)

    Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (CA) #121120

    AAMFT Approved Supervisor (2018-current)

    10+ years performing/teaching/consulting for using improvisational theater as a communication tool for ministry and/or therapy.

  • Sure! Here is a link to a recent Triangles Part 1 presentation (January 2023 @ Forest Park SDA Church):


    I also regularly present UOR Seminars/Retreats specifically tailored for pastors (with their ministry challenges in mind) to teach them how to untangle tricky relationships in their churches.

  • Easy as pie! Contact Bryan at untanglingourrelationships@gmail.com and let’s find a way to make this happen!

    ​ONE Caveat: I usually only conduct one UOR Seminar every month (because I have two awesome daughters, and I want to be home with them most weekends). So contact me to ask about which months in 2023 and/or 2024 are still available!

What’s up with the Untangling Our Relationships logo?

Before immigrating to the wild-wild west of Canaan, Abram (later Abraham) lived in ancient Ur—a rich, cosmopolitan epicenter that was flush with resources, technological advances, and artistic beauty. Abe would have immediately recognized these two images as the Mesopotamian depiction of the Tree of Life.

 As the first intentional step to bring Abraham’s experience forward in time, the Untangling Our Relationships logo takes inspiration from artwork that was familiar to him (and his contemporaries). We spend most of our time during the UOR Seminar noticing the patterned dynamics within Abraham’s family tree recorded in Genesis—in a way that vibrantly showcases how uncomfortably familiar “their preferred patterns” are to our own family systems. I believe we have a sacred opportunity to connect with Abraham on a profound familial level (albeit asynchronously by several millennia) by experiencing multiple branches of his family tree stemming from the same Tree of Life.

Interested to learn more about UOR?

Contact me today and let’s explore how a UOR seminar could benefit your family and community.